In Process
Another week is winding down. We've been busy with a few extra visits, a few extra emails, and a bit of work in the garden. We also have finished the supposed last possible requirement for immigration.
After re-double checking, we found out the government would want a copy of Martha's heart specialist report directly from the heart specialist. We had originally been told by the secretary of the specialist that if we wanted a copy we would have to get it from Martha's GP. The GP's secretary told us, on the second round of inquiry (this time in person), that they could not offer any kind of certification of authenticity for the specialist's report. All the GP's office had was an electronic copy and the best they could do was print it out for us. So I went back to the heart specialist's office yesterday, for the third time, and explained the situation to them.
The specialist's secretary told me she did not see what difference it should make to immigration if the GP's office printed out the report or if the specialist's office printed out the report. I told her I agreed with her but that this is what immigration wants. After once again asking the secretary to print out another copy of the findings for immigration, and her once again asserting it didn't make any sense, and my once again agreeing but saying immigration wants it that way, she agreed to print it out for us to send to immigration. She kindly told me to pick it up tomorrow.
Today I went back to the specialist's office and I picked up the specialist's findings. I went straight to the post office and sent them off. We just need to wait for our immigration agent to send the findings to immigration and wait for approval, the Lord willing.
Then... sending in Martha and Julia's passports for visas to be put in. Then... searching for a ticket for them for the soonest possible date at the least ridiculous price.
Well, this is the latest. Love to all.