Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The 2011 SPC Weekend Getaway, November 18-20

Every couple of years, we have a couple of days getting away as a church family. It isn't limited to our congregation, or even to our denomination. It is called a "Weekend Getaway" because it is not as structured as the annual "Church Camp" our sister congregation holds down south. We get together and just kind of hang out. It is a laid back time, but there are still 4 topics and 1 review session.

Above, and below, are a few pics from the weekend.

Driving out to the Liffey Falls walk.

The fabulous Ruth Taylor!

Liffey Falls

Getting ready to see who has come up with the best way to launch a "Fan Tail" (a wrapped chocolate coated caramel candy)

Huon, Nathaniel, and Julia reading


The theme of the camp was The Essence and Importance of Doctrine. The theme was suggested by one of the people who helps organize the camp. I developed the theme through 4 topics. I do my best to have the topics take the form of discussion and Question & Answer with a lot of interaction. As we work through the material together, I reconstruct my outline on big sheets of white paper we hang on the walls. At the end of the camp, we review the topics and make more applications. Here are the basic outlines (edited from what I used and slightly different from what we put together at the camp).

I. Doctrine is Teaching

A. Why should our camp have this theme? "The Essence and Importance of Doctrine"

1. Mistakes of other Christians

a. Doctrine is not important

b. Doctrine is damaging

1) Causes division

2) Replaces the Word of man for the Word of God

(a.) Catechisms

(b.) Confessions

(c.) Books

2. Necessity of doctrine for the Christian life

a. Commanded to teach our families

b. Necessary to hold one another accountable

c. How we know how to serve God

B. What is doctrine? Doctrine is teaching

1. Old Testament

a. The general context of teaching and instruction in the Old Testament

1) Duties of teaching and learning

2) Types of Literature

3) Variety of vocabulary

b. Specific examples

1) Teaching: Deuteronomy 32:2, Proverbs 4:2

2) Instruction: Proverbs 16:21-23

3) Insight: Isaiah 29:24, Proverbs 1:5, Proverbs 9:9

2. New Testament

a. The general context of teaching and instruction in the New Testament

b. Specific examples

1) John 7:16, 17

2) 1 Timothy 4:6

C. Importance of doctrine

1. Scripture makes doctrine necessary

2. Doctrine strengthens the church

a. Acts 2:42

b. Romans 6:17

c. 1 Timothy 4:13

d. 1 Timothy 4:16

e. 2 Timothy 3:16, 17

f. 2 Timothy 4:1-4

3. Ignoring doctrine is dangerous

a. Romans 16:17, 18

b. Ephesians 4:14-16

c. 1 Timothy 1:9-11

d. 1 Timothy 6:3-5

4. Doctrine keeps the Word of God central

a. Catechisms

b. Confessions

c. Books

II. The Subject of Doctrine is Christ or the Bible Primarily Teaches Christ

A. All of the Bible is about the Lord Jesus Christ

1. Jesus taught the Old Testament was about Him

a. Luke 24:27

b. Luke 24:44

c. John 1:45

d. John 5:39

e. John 5:45-47

2. The New Testament further explains the significance of Christ and His Work

a. 1 Corinthians 15:21-28

b. Ephesians 1:17-23

c. Colossians 1:15-20

d. Hebrews 1:1-4

B. The whole Bible teaches Christ in 3 distinguishable, but inseparable, ways

1. Historically

a. Creation

b. Covenant of Works

c. Covenant of Grace

1) Old Covenant

a) Adam to Noah

(1) The "mother" promise

(2) The rainbow

b) Abraham to Moses

(1) Circumcision

(2) Salvation by faith alone

c) Moses to Christ

(1) The Law

(a) Moral

(b) Civil

(c) Ceremonial

(2) The kings

(3) The prophets

2) New Covenant

(a) Baptism

(b) Lord's Supper

2. Theologically

a. Typology

b. Promise and Fulfillment

c. Analogy

d. Major Themes

3. Practically

a. Salvation is knowledge of God by Christ: John 17:3

b. Set free from the power of sin by Christ

1) Romans 6

2) Galatians 3:27

c. Live by putting on Christ: Romans 13:14

C. Do your feelings about doctrine fit its subject?

1. The absurdity of dismissing doctrine

2. The danger of neglecting doctrine

3. The blessedness of learning doctrine

III. Living Doctrine: Practice or Doctrine in Action

A. Why practice doctrine? The reasons for practicing doctrine

1. The nature of doctrine

2. Commanded

B. What is necessary to practice doctrine? Requirements to practice doctrine

1. Requires knowledge

a. Our need for knowledge

1) Creaturly limitations

2) Our sin

(a) Mentally

(b) Physically

b. Sources of doctrinal knowledge

1) Word and Spirit

2) Good books

c. How we attain knowledge

1) Read/Hear

2) Meditation

2. Requires self-denial

a. Luke 9:23

b. Luke 14:27

3. Requires self-discipline

a. 1 Corinthians 9:24-27

b. 2 Timothy 2:3

4. Requires evaluation: Luke 14:28-33

5. Requires diligence

a. Luke 9:62

b. Hebrews 10:38

c. Revelation 2:5

C. How do we practice doctrine? Romans 12:1, 2

1. Purposefully "present" and "reasonable"

2. Completely "sacrifice"

3. Consistently "transformed" and "prove"

IIII. Living Doctrine: Motive or the Motive to Live Doctrine is Love to Christ

A. True motive: Love to Christ

1. Clear Biblical principle

a. John 14:15

b. John 14:21

c. John 14:23

d. John 14:24

e. John 15:10

f. John 15:14

g. 1 John 2:3

h. 1 John 2:5

2. What is love? - in this context: avga,ph

a. Definition

1). "To feel and exhibit esteem and goodwill to a person, to prize and delight in

a thing"

2). "Commonly understood properly to denote love based on esteem"

3). "The spiritual affection which follows the direction of the will, and which

therefore, unlike that feeling which is instinctive and unreasoned, can be

commanded as a duty."

-Abbott-Smith, A Manual Greek Lexicon of the New Testament

b. Love involves:

1) Understanding

2) Affections

3) Will

3. Do you love Christ?

a. Is He an actual person to you?

b. Do you esteem Him for:

1) Who He is?

2) What He has done?

c. Has this moved you to:

1) Repent?

2) Believe?

B. False motives

1. Self satisfaction

2. To be seen of men

a. To stand out

b. To NOT stand out

C. Warnings about motive

1. Love to Christ is the only lasting motive

2. Love to Christ is the only effectual motive

3. Love to Christ is the only acceptable motive