Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Today Julia and I had a lovely morning at Emily's house. She lives on the next hill over from ours, just a few minutes' drive over the river. Julia enjoys seeing her "fens" (friends) Griff and Arch. She also thinks their big backyard, swings, kiddie pool, bird bath and books are all great fun. I always love chatting with Emily and boy, does she cook well! Today we got to sample her pumpkin pie. :D It was delicious!

Julia concentrates on shoveling in that pie, using both her spoon and her hand for stability.

Julia and Archie were both fans.

Griff thought it was great too.

Thanks so much for sharing your time and your pie with us Emily! We had a great time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beware of the pumpkin pie. That family recipe has been known to put someone in hospital. :-)