Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Old Pictures! At least old compared to 6 months ago!

Julia and her beloved Peanut Butter!

Our friends the Serrafinis gave us a very nice Brazilian hammock as a wedding gift and we have finally got a hammock stand for it. It is very comfortable and we enjoy it regularly. Julia even took her nap in the hammock this afternoon.

A few cute pictures of the kids follow.

We visited a place called "Tazmazia." Tazmazia is a maze, cafe, and a little village called, "The Village of Lower Crackpot."

Lower Crackpot even has a jail ("gaol" as they spell it here).

A few pics of some of the buildings in Lower Crackpot.

In the middle of the maze is "The Three Bears Cottage"

The cottage was completely furnished and even had Goldilocks and the three bears. You can look through the windows and go in the cottage (though it is walled off with glass).

Julia had to build up some courage but she did go in the cottage.

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