Monday, May 11, 2009


March 18 ansd 19 we we took a couple days break at Bruny Island. A friend who attends our Tuesday night Bible studies gave Martha two days at a cottage on Bruny Island for her Birthday.

Bruny Island is off the south east coast of Tasmania.

The above picture is of my beloved wife, riding shot gun, as the car ferry takes us over to Bruny.

View from inside the car while riding over on the ferry.

Everyone else on the top deck of the ferry lined up behind us.

Approaching Bruny

Receiving dock on the island.

Here is a view of the living room of the cottage. The cottage is called "The Weekender."

Julia enjoying some Avocado in the small dining area.

The other end of the living area of the cottage (the window you saw in the above picture is right behind me). There is a small dining and kitchen. It had everything you could need.

Julia likes butter!

Martha took this picture while she was standing in front of the kitchen area. The section of the cottage behind Terry is the bedroom section. You can also see the great view the cottage has over Terry's shoulder.

My amazing wife making French Toast for brekkie (Australian for breakfast)!

Just Chil'n

Front view of the cottage from the road. The windows to the left are to the main bedroom that has a Queen size bed. The middle window is for the bathroom. Thw window is translucent and in frontof the shower. The last window is another bedrrom with two single beds.

The bedrooms (on the left) and the lving area (on the right) are joined by a covered deck.

The bedrooms have sliding doors.

Cottage view

View from the lving area window.

A common view as we went out for a walk on the beach.

While we were out for a walk we stopped and chatted with some locals for quite a while about life in Tassie, Bruny in particular, and the change in the churches over the past 50 years or so.

Views of some of the homes and the walked back to the cottage

Another couple views of the cottages

The door into the living area

A few things we found on the beach and the wealk back

Bath time!

Nap time!

Sunset from the living area window

Our little explorer!

A view of main land Tassie and oncoming rain clouds in the early morning.

Next time our boat trip!!


Kaitebon said...

Julia is so cute! And she's very tanned, too...which is cute (unless she just has a darker complexion than I thought?).

You know, if the picture didn't say that Martha was riding shotgun, I never would have processed that...I felt like something was missing from the picture, and now I realize that the missing thing was a STEERING WHEEL. :-)

Tasmania looks beautiful!

Sarah said...

Looks like an amazing time! Some of those scenery pics are breathtaking! Miss you all...